Friday, August 30, 2013

托福听力听写练习 TOEFL LISTENING conversation

Original listening material is from toefl test.
Red marked places are mistakes I made when recording.

Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a university employee.

Oh, hello… can I help you?

Um… yeah… I’m looking for Professor Kirk. Is he here? I mean, is this her office?

Yes, you are in the right place - Professor Kirk’s office is right behind me - but no, she is not here right now.

Uh, do you know when she’ll be back?

Well, she is teaching all morning. She won’t be back until… let me check, she won’t be back until… after launch. That’s when she has her office hours. Perhaps you can come back then?

Oh, unfortunately no. I have class this afternoon, and I was really hoping to talk to her today.

Hey, do you know if … she is still accepting any more students into her introduction to biology class?

You want to know if you can take the class.

Yes, if she is letting any more students sign up, I’d like, I’d like to join the class.

Introduction to biology is a very popular class, especially when she teaches it. A lot of students take it.

Yeah, that’s why the registrar said it was full. I’ve got the form the registrar gave me, um… with me to get her permission to take the class. It’s all filled out except for her signature. I’m hoping she’ll let me in even though the class is full. You see, I’m senior this year and this’ll be my last semester, so it’s my last chance.

Oh, wow, really? I mean, most of the students fulfill the science requirement the first year.

Well, I mean, um… to be honest, I kept putting it off. I’m not really a big fan of science classes in general, and with the labs and everything. I’ve not quite found the time.

Your advisor didn’t see anything?

Well, to tell you the truth, she’s been after me to take a class for a while, but I’m double majoring in art and journalism and so my schedule’s been really tight with all the classes I gotta’ take, so somehow I never…

Well, perhaps you could leave the form with me and I’ll see if she’ll sign it for you?

You know, I appreciate that, but maybe I should explain the problem to her in person? I didn’t want to do it, but… I guess I have to send her an e-mail.

Hmm, you know, not all professors check their emails regularly. I’m not sure whether professor Kirk does it or not? Here is an idea, why don’t you stick a note explaining your situation under her door and ask her to call you if she needs more information?

Hey, that’s a good idea; and then I can leave the form with you- if you still don’t mind…

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