Monday, August 26, 2013

托福听力 听写练习 conversation TOEFL LISTENING

The original listening material is from TOEFL IBT online.
Red marked places are the places I made mistakes when I typed it while listening.

Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor.

Sandy, how is class been going for you this semester?

Oh, it’s great. I really like your business psychology class, but I have one major concern about the last assignment, you know- the one where we have to interview a local business owner, uh, I mean, entrepreneur?

Are you having trouble coming up with interview questions?

Well, just it is. I mean, I worked on my high school newspaper for years, so I actually have great questions to ask. The thing is… I’m new to the area and I don’t know people off campus. So I was wondering if… well, could you possibly give me the name of someone I could interview?

You don’t know anyone who owns a business?

Well, yeah, back home. My next-door neighbors- they own a shoes store, and they are really successful-but they are not local.

Well, it wouldn’t be fair to the other student if I gave you the name of a contact- but I could help you figure out one way to find someone on your own. Let’s see…Do you read the local newspaper?

Sure, whenever I have the time.

Well, the business section in the newspaper often has stories about local business people, who have been very successful. If you find an article, you could call the person who was profiled.

You mean, just call them up…out of blue, asking them if they’ll talk to me?

Sure, why not?

Well, aren’t people like that awfully busy? Too busy to talk to a random college student?

Many people enjoy telling the story of how they got started. Remember, this is a business psychology class, and for this assignment, I want you to get some real insight about business owners, their personality, what drives them to be become an entrepreneur?

Like how they think?

And what motivates them, why did they start their business? I’m sure they’d talk to you, especially if you tell them you might start a business someday.

I’m not sure I’d have the guts to do that. Opening a business seems so risky, so scary.

Well, you can ask them if they feel that way too.

Now you just need to find someone to interview to see if your instincts are correct. 

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